Are Online Master’s in Teaching Degrees Accredited?

are-online-masters-in-teaching-degrees-accreditedIf you want to earn a graduate-level degree in education, you may be wondering if there are accredited online Master’s in Teaching degrees.

A Master of Arts degree majoring in Teaching, also known as an MAT, is an advanced degree that puts a primary focus on advancing the teaching careers of hands-on educators who work with students. As the most popular graduate degree in teaching and education, the MAT can become a great thing to add to your resume when you’re committed to professional development. With this being said, some degrees are better than others and this is why the accreditation of online programs is so important.

Read on, and learn how MAT programs are accredited and if online programs are under the scope of accrediting bodies.

Why is Specialized Accreditation So Important?

In every field, there are different specialized accreditation agencies that work independently to accredit schools and programs. While many schools have their regional or national accreditation, when you are studying advanced coursework to gain expertise in education and teaching, you need to be sure the program that you attend has a specialized accreditation based on the program and not other school-wide criteria.

When you choose a program with a specialized or programmatic accreditation, you have peace of mind in knowing that the curriculum that you study will prepare you for what you want to do with your degree following graduation. It also ensures your degree will be well received in the field.

How are Master in Teaching Programs Accredited?

There is more than one accrediting agency in teacher education, but one of the most respected bodies is the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The council not only accredits traditional schools and colleges, but also graduate programs delivered in a distance education format. It is important that you review the standards, the evaluation process to understand the scope of the credential. Check a list of accredited institutions and this can be the basis as you decide where to apply or enroll.

What Will you Study When You Go to School for a MAT Degree?

Programs that are committed to accreditation will develop their curriculum to meet the standards of the council. It is important that you review curriculum requirements and instruction methods that are delivered to beginner teachers and experienced teachers as you try to assess which online degree programs are legitimate and which are not.

The objective of the program should be to help educators understand, teach, design and assess subject matter. The program will also help with the use of theoretical perspectives and systematic critical inquiry. Classes that you can expect to take include:

* Professional Development and Inquiry
* Curriculum Design
* Teachers as Teacher Educators
* Curriculum in a Social Context
* Classroom Teaching Inquiry
* Educational Technology
* Language Instruction
* Educational Psychology
* English as a Second Language
* Science and Mathematics Education

You might wonder why you should return to school to earn a Master’s degree when it is not a requirement to get your teaching credential. While you might not need the advanced degree, when you have a graduate degree you can become a better educator. With such a large teaching shortage across the nation, earning your Master’s can make you an attractive candidate for high-paying classroom roles. If you do choose distance education, make sure that you choose between accredited Online Master’s in Teaching degrees so that your degree pays off.