How Much do Teachers Earn?

Before you enroll in an education program or graduate from one of these programs, you may want to look at the average teacher salary. This figure gives you an idea of how much you might make once you graduate and go to work with your first group of students. Though teachers with more experience generally make more than those right out of college make, the amount you earn depends on where you live and the need for qualified teachers in your city or state.

Average Salary for Teachers

The Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of the salaries reported by professionals working in a range of different fields. According to the BLS, the median wage for high school teachers is a little over $57,000 a year. High school teachers often work with students between the ages of ninth and 12th grade, but some high schools also admit students in eighth grade. Junior high teachers typically teach sixth through ninth grades, and elementary school teachers may work with students in kindergarten through the sixth or seventh grade. Elementary and junior high or middle school teachers usually make less than high school teachers.

What Affects the Amount They Make?

One factor that impacts your salary is your experience. As a recent college graduate who just got your license, you shouldn’t expect to make as much as someone who has five to 20 years of experience on the job. Your wage also depends on where you live. The federal government now offers loan forgiveness programs for teachers willing to work in both urban and rural school districts that need qualified teachers. Moving to one of those areas to work may result in you earning more. Those working in private schools often make more than public school teachers make too.

Related: 5 Fastest Growing Teaching Specializations

Typical Teaching Schedule

Many schools now start classes for the day by eight am or even early in the morning. Teachers must arrive 30 to 60 minutes before classes start to get their materials ready for students. Full time teachers generally run six or more classes every day. Some schools now use a block system though that requires teachers spend more time teaching fewer classes every day. They may also spend an hour or more staying after school to help students or to lead extracurricular activities. Though the school year typically runs from August through May or June, some schools now operate a year round schedule with shorter breaks between semesters.

Future Outlook for Teachers

In addition to determining the median teacher salary, the BLS also estimated the future outlook for teachers. The BLS found that between 2014 and 2024 that the need for teachers will grow by around 6%. While this is an average rate of growth when compared to other professions, it does mean that schools will have a need for nearly 56,000 jobs by 2024. This figure includes positions vacated by retiring teachers and new positions added as the number of students enrolled increases.

Students enrolling in college today want to know that they can make enough money in their chosen careers to support themselves and care for their families. While you can look at the average or median teacher salary before enrolling in college or after starting an education program, you should also consider the future outlook and the schedule you might follow.