Masters in Teaching in Georgia

Masters in Teaching in GeorgiaThere are several top schools at which to earn a Masters in Teaching in Georgia. A Masters in Teaching degree, or MAT, is a degree designed to prepare students for regular classroom teaching. MAT programs focus their curriculum on the knowledge and skills related to the art of teaching, rather than content related to a specific subject area. MAT degrees typically consist of 30 credit hours and prepare students to be licensed teachers. While this program may be completed in one year, some students are able to complete the degree part-time, while teaching on a provisional license. The MAT degree is appropriate for students who have an undergraduate degree in a subject other than education. Often the MAT degree is offered as a 5th year capstone program for students who want to teach at the secondary level and need to be highly proficient in their subject area.

Details of the Top Masters in Teaching in Georgia Degree Programs

Students who wish to pursue a Masters in Teaching in Georgia have several options. Georgia boasts several top programs, in both traditional campus settings and online at public and private universities. Some top Georgia Masters in Teaching degree programs include:

The University of Georgia

UGA offers MAT degrees in several content areas. Students can pursue MATs in Early Childhood Education, English Education, Mathematics Education, Special Education, Workforce Education, and several other areas. The MAT program is specifically designed for aspiring teachers with undergraduate degrees in subjects other than education and prepares students to receive a Georgia teaching license. In state students should expect to pay approximately $3,600 per semester, while out of state student tuition is $11,000 per semester.

Emory University

This top ranked university in Atlanta offers a competitive program for highly qualified students with undergraduate degrees in any subject area. Emory’s program recruits top students and requires a 3.0 undergraduate GPA as well as GRE scores. However, entering students are rewarded for their hard work with a 50 percent tuition discount, decreasing tuition to $8,950 per semester. Emory’s MAT programs offer specializations in 11 areas.

Columbus State University

One of the best online Masters in Teaching in Georgia degree programs is based at Columbus State University. This program is actually a combined program sponsored by 4 universities in Georgia: Columbus State, Kennesaw State, Georgia Southern, and Valdosta State. This program is unique because it focuses on preparing students to teach in the fields of math and science. Students should have an undergraduate degree with a major in the areas of math, science, engineering, or technology. This fully accredited program keeps tuition costs low. Currently, students should expect to pay around $4,000 per semester.

Financial Aid and Scholarships For The Top Masters in Teaching in Georgia Degree Programs

In Georgia, students in MAT programs may use HOPE scholarship funds to offset tuition costs. To receive this scholarship, students must agree to teach in a Georgia public school and seek certification in a critical shortage area. The HOPE scholarship will cover up to $200 per credit hour. Students can also supplement this scholarship with private scholarships, school specific grants, and student loans. These resources will help any student entering one of the top Masters in Teaching in Georgia degree programs.