Masters in Teaching Jobs

Masters in Teaching JobsA Masters in Teaching is the optimal degree for those who want to advance their career in education as well as gain additional certification for higher Masters in Teaching jobs. Certain school systems may even require teachers to pursue a masters degree from an accredited college after a set amount of years of experience. This degree focuses on leadership and collaboration with students and parents in a professional manner. Students in this type of program study educational theory and are kept up to date on new technology being used in the classroom. They apply their studies in elementary and secondary environments in student teaching positions and other programs. Those who wish to graduate with a Masters in Teaching must first hold a four year degree before pursuing their graduate degree from a traditional college or one of the top online Masters in Teaching degree programs. Well ranking schools such as Kaplan University and Walden University provide masters degrees in a wide range of education specialties.

Popular Masters in Teaching Jobs

Education Administration

Educators who wish to advance their career in the direction of education administration within a school system often enroll in a Masters in Teaching program. A masters can be a significant step toward becoming a principal; in this career an individual will take responsibility for program management and daily activities of the school. A principal reviews the educational qualifications and training of faculty and works with parents and students. The average annual income for education administrators is $86,970 per year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Special Education

Teachers who have a passion for special needs students can earn a Masters in Teaching with a focus on Inclusion Education. This degree draws attention to the ability to creatively perceive additional ways to implement teaching styles in the classroom. The degree encompasses new ways of helping children with learning disabilities to get the most out of their learning environment. Special education teachers make an average of $53,220 per year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Reading Education

Reading is incredibly important in our society, especially with technology continuously creating new means of communication. With a Masters in Teaching with a focus on Literacy, teachers can increase their earnings and knowledge of current teaching styles. While teaching this incredibly important life skill, Reading teachers earn an average yearly salary of $58,870 with a Master in Teaching.

Elementary Education

Elementary teachers can also earn a Masters in Teaching in a number of areas. The most popular concentrations are Reading and Writing and Learning Strategies. Elementary teachers must hold a bachelor’s or masters degree, and on average they make $51,380 per year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Assistant Professor

Individuals with a Masters in Teaching can also become an assistant professor in a college setting. Many assistant positions are open to graduates with a Masters in Teaching in the area of Educational Leadership. Assistant professors will often have hands-on experience from previous teaching jobs and can relate the pros and cons of teaching to new students. The salary for assistant professors varies depending on the number of classes taught and the college at which they are employed.

Masters in Teaching jobs are plenteous for those who are willing to put the hard work into earning this valuable degree.