5 Challenges Faced by Twice Exceptional Students

In today’s modern education system, where special needs and gifted education programs are the two main support systems, Twice Exceptional children tend to fall through the cracks. Trying to learn while grappling with the dual traits of giftedness and attention or learning issues challenges children as well as their teachers and parents. While methods are still be developed to address the unique needs of these students, being aware of the five challenges they face is the first step towards helping these students achieve academic and social success.

Lack of Awareness Among Adults

Parents of Twice Exceptional children often face surprise from their family and friends when they mention that their child is in both special needs and gifted and talented programs. This is because people tend to view intelligence as a black or white process. Either you learn quickly or you do not. This lack of awareness can unfortunately extend to educators who may not seek the right types of assessments, which leads to delayed identification for these students.

Extreme Asynchronous Development

Children often develop skills at different rates, and it is normal for a child to do well in one subject such as mathematics while struggling with reading. However, Twice Exceptional children face extreme gaps in their development that interferes with their learning. For example, an elementary student may be able to read on a high school level, yet emotional delays leave them struggling with being able to follow the rules in the classroom.

Difficulties in Diagnosis

Testing for Twice Exceptional Children is difficult due to the possibility of one ability masking another. For example, a child with autism may not be identified because their high academic achievement leads a teacher to think that their quiet demeanor is just shyness. Alternatively, a child who struggles with maintaining their attention may not be capable of performing well on an intelligence test even though they have the ability to score at a gifted level.

Social And Emotional Struggles

The challenges a child encounters every day as they try to maneuver in a world that only recognizes two ends of the learning spectrum generate frustration. According to Washington Post, it is common for Twice Exceptional children to experience anxiety, anger and even compulsions as a result of their dual abilities. Over time, not addressing these struggles can lead to serious emotional conditions such as depression and a desire to just give up.

Problems Adjusting to a Program

When a Twice Exceptional child is placed into only one type of program, they often find it hard to fit in with their peers. For example, a child with a behavioral disorder may discover that their symptoms cause them to be shunned by the other children in a gifted program. A child in a remedial class due to a language processing disorder may find that the other children in the room have disabilities that require more attention from the teacher and hold them back in the areas in which they excel. Often, these children tend to prefer the company of adults who tend to be more understanding of the differences between individuals.

While children who excel in one area while struggling in another do face significant challenges in the classroom, it is important to note that they are receiving more attention now than ever before. This is because researchers now recognize that learning occurs on a spectrum that allows for differences in a child’s abilities. As the education system catches up to new research regarding Twice Exceptional children, every adult can surround them with support by taking steps to reduce the impact of the challenges they face on their academic and social development.

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