5 Reasons Private School Educators Support Betsy DeVos

Very few administration picks drew as much controversy from the general public as Betsy DeVos did. Nominated by President Donald Trump for the role of Secretary of Education, she watched as people spoke out against her, including people she worked with in the past and those who attended the same college as her. While some worry about what she will do in her role as Education Secretary, private school educators have five clear reasons for supporting her.

Increase in Diversity

One reason private school teachers support her is because they believe that she will increase the diversity in these schools. Private schools, unlike public schools, charge an annual fee for students who attend. Though many offer scholarships and programs for those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, the majority of students enrolled in those schools come from privileged backgrounds. According to Jim Daly of The Daily Signal, DeVos will put the choice of where students attend into the hands of parents who can pick private schools and increase the diversity in those schools.

More Freedom in Curriculum Design

A common issue many had with the Department of Education under President Obama was that the department became more invested in curriculum design. This allowed the government to change the curriculum that some schools taught and led to an increase in teachers using the Common Core, which many dislike. Some private school educators believe that DeVos will once again give individual schools more freedom over their own unique curriculum and give them the chance to change that curriculum to better benefit students.

Less Government Interference

As DeVos is a politically “outside” with little experience in the education field, some educators support her because they believe that she will reduce the interference that the government has in local schools. The federal government already adopted plans to give states more control over their schools, and DeVos stated that she believes schools and parents should have more control than they currently do. Some teachers like the idea of gaining more control and having the chance to make changes at the local level without interference from the government.

Increased Enrollment

With DeVos in charge of the Department of Education, there is a good chance that private schools will experience increased enrollment in the coming years. DeVos is a proponent of vouchers that students receive, which lets the students and their parents decide which school to attend. These vouchers significantly bring down the cost of attending private school and can make private schools more affordable for those from poorer backgrounds. As those vouchers will cause an enrollment increase, the schools accepting those students may receive more resources that benefit both teachers and their students.

Salary Increases

A small number of teachers working in private schools may support Betsy DeVos because they believe that she will increase their salaries. If more students attend private schools, those schools will need to hire more educators to keep up with the increased demand. Though some private schools hire those with a bachelor’s degree, others look for qualified teachers with both an education degree and a valid teaching license. Experienced educators may become more in demand and find that they can request higher starting salaries too.

As the new Secretary of Education, DeVos is in a unique position. Though she looked out for private schools in the past, she must now look at for students attending charter and public schools too. Though many opposed her nomination, a growing group of educators support her. Private school teachers believe that Betsy DeVos will bring more diversity and resources to their schools in the coming years.
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