Walden University Masters in Teaching

Walden University Masters in TeachingA Masters in Teaching is a degree that is one step above a Bachelor’s degree and one step below a Doctorate. Those who plan to become administrators, curriculum developers, or desire to develop better teaching qualifications are the ones who will benefit from acquiring a Masters in Teaching Degree. Students of the degree program may be current teachers or those who have not yet started their teaching career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those with higher education levels typically have higher pay rates and lower unemployment rates. In addition, there is greater job security, upward mobility and career satisfaction when it comes to a higher education. Most students in a graduate program will develop a research project related to teaching, and will be expected to acquire a deeper understanding of teaching and curriculum and will often focus on specific areas of educational knowledge, rather than general knowledge.

Details about the Walden University Masters in Teaching Degree Program

The Walden University Masters in Teaching degree program is an online and accredited graduate degree program that features several areas of focus, such as College Teaching and Learning, General Education, Global and Higher Education and even Online and Distance Learning. Typically, the courses require 30 credit hours for completion. The Walden University Masters in Teaching courses will vary according to the area of specialty, but some of the courses include:

  • Understanding Higher Education
  • Understanding Students
  • Understanding Institutions
  • Using Research and Data

A Masters in Teaching degree program often takes a total of two years to complete, but cannot begin until after a Bachelor’s degree has been acquired. Online schools, such as Walden University, can provide an opportunity for many people to take the classes they need for their graduate degree from a remote location. This means that teachers can still work during the day while they work towards their graduate program at night. In addition, some prospective teachers will be able to fast track their education and will be able to complete their graduate requirements more quickly, and thus be able to start their career path more quickly as well.

Tuition Costs and Financial Aid for the Walden University Masters in Teaching Degree

According to the available data from Walden University, the total estimated costs for this program are approximately $18,000. This is for the entire graduate degree program. However, this is the cost without figuring in the cost of books, so the final costs will vary. Fortunately, there are several different financial aid options for students, including Federal Financial aid, scholarships, grants and even payment arrangements. In addition, those who have been or are in the military may be eligible for special considerations as well.

In order to apply to Walden University’s Master of Teaching program, the student must first complete the application online. In addition, the student will need to provide their employment history, their transcripts, any applicable test scores, and credit transfers. This will allow them to begin working towards their Walden University Masters in Teaching degree.